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55 Northern Boulevard
Great Neck


SAT I, II, ACT, AP, Olympiad, AMC8,10,12, AIME, USAMO, Great Neck, Long Island, New York, After School program 4th to 8th. SSAT, SHSAT test prep, 유학, 뉴욕,롱아일랜드 

Brown Academy

Brown Academy

Since 2008, Mr. and Mrs. Kim have dedicated...

themselves to the academic success of students in New York. Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim recognized just how arduous the college preparation process was when their children, Charles and Angela, prepared during high school to be accepted to Brown and Harvard University, respectively. In order to provide students with the necessary resources and learning environment to ease the college preparation process, Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim combined their teaching and business experiences to open Brown Academy in 2008. Ever since the day Brown opened, Mr. and Mrs. Kim were confident that they could dedicate their experiences to garner Brown Academy students' academic growth because of their experiences in the respective fields: Mr. Kim has contributed his skills as a managing director with an experience of twenty-four years in the business entrepreneur sector; and Mrs. Kim has been teaching since 1983 as a High School teacher. 

Brown Academy has the experience and history of nurturing its students to be college-ready. What started as an academy for standardized tests has now become a mecca where students gather to learn valuable academic skills and assets, volunteer for a greater purpose, mature into college students, and ultimately achieve enlightenment. 

Our Mission

Our mission is complex yet simple. We teach students to be great test takers in all standardized exams. We also encourage students to go beyond simply learning for the sake of achieving high scores by strongly advising them to volunteer in raising awareness of deadly viruses (e.g. HIV), to build teamwork skills, and to make a positive impact on society. 

Our Educational Philosphy

We not only teach students how to develop valuable skill sets including reading comprehension and science/math proficiency, but also how to learn. At Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Kim teach students the joy of learning to all students. 

The Brown Difference

Personalized attention from a caring staff providing academic counseling tailored to each student’s needs. 

A top-flight faculty with a passion for teaching and extensive experience in their fields. 

A stimulating, challenging environment that instills self-confidence and discipline. 

Emphasis on mastery of core skills in mathematics, critical reading, and writing. 


If you would like to learn more about us, please feel free to ask us any concerns or questions you may have.